By November, northern China is becoming distinctly chilly. But the south is still relatively warm and welcoming. Across the vast expanse of Poyang Lake, the birds are gathering. Tundra swans are long-distance migrants from northern Siberia. To the Chinese, they symbolise the essence of natural beauty. The Poyang Lake Nature Reserve offers winter refuge to more than a quarter of a million birds from more than 100 species, creating one of southern China's finest wildlife experiences. The last birds to arrive at Poyang are those which have made the longest journey to get here, all the way from the Arctic coast of Siberia. 十一月,中国北方日渐寒冷。而南方则相对温暖和煦。飞鸟掠过鄱阳湖广阔的湖面聚集在一起。苔原天鹅从遥远的北西伯利亚迁徙至此。对中国人而言,他们象征着至高无上的自然美。鄱阳湖自然保护区为超过100个种类、25万之多的鸟类提供天然栖息地,成为中国南方最令人叹为观止的自然盛景。最后抵达此地的是跨越千山万水,艰难跋涉至此的鸟群,它们来自西伯利亚北极海岸。