BBC News with Jonathan Wheatley The main contingent of an Arab League observer mission has arrived in Syria to monitor an initiative to end the continued violence. It has left thousands dead since anti-government protests began earlier this year. At least 18 people are reported to have been killed in the latest shelling of the city of Homs. The Arab League initiative agreed with the Syrian government requires all armed forces to withdraw from the areas of conflict. The BBC's Jim Muir in Beirut says it's not clear whether the observers' movements will be restricted. Syrian officials are saying they are committed to the protocol they signed with the Arab League that the observers will have complete freedom of movement, but of course they do have to coordinate with the Syrian authorities because they need to have security; they can't just jump in cars and drive off to a place like Homs. So that in a sense makes them sort of dependent on the regime. Hundreds of ultra-Orthodox Jews have clashed with police near Jerusalem as tensions mount over their campaign of segregation between men and women. A police officer was wounded in the town of Beit Shemesh as police were called to remove a sign on a main road ordering segregation between the sexes. Here's Aidan Lewis. Ultra-Orthodox Jews pelted police and journalists with rocks and eggs, and set fire to rubbish bins. They also re-installed a number of placards ordering segregation that had earlier been removed. Beit Shemesh has become a focus of friction between ultra-Orthodox and more secular-minded Jews. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says police will continue to arrest ultra-Orthodox offenders and insists that there's no place in Israel for discrimination. The authorities in Mexico say they've arrested the chief bodyguard of the country's most wanted drugs baron, the fugitive Sinaloa cartel boss Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman. The bodyguard, Felipe Cabrera Sarabia, was detained by army special forces. Colonel Ricardo Trevilla of the Mexican army said Cabrera had risen through the ranks of the cartel. "Cabrera used violence to keep control of the group's criminal activities. This allowed him to gain stature in the group. It allowed him to become a key player in drug smuggling and trafficking. It helped him become a security provider for the head of the cartel in his area of operations." The head of the army in Guinea-Bissau, General Antonio Indjai, has said an attack on the general staff headquarters and other military bases in the capital has been foiled. He said the army and the government remained in control of the country following an attempt to seize weapons from military armouries. Hundreds of people have attended a memorial service in Nigeria at the Roman Catholic church where more than 30 people were killed in a bomb attack on Sunday. The blast on the outskirts of the capital Abuja was the first in a series of attacks on Christmas Day. You're listening to the World News from the BBC. The Office of the United Nations Human Rights Commissioner has expressed alarm following the 10-year jail sentence imposed in China on a veteran activist, Chen Xi. Mr Chen, who posted essays online proposing political reform and improving human rights, is the third activist to be jailed in China in the last 10 days. Japan's Foreign Minister Koichiro Gemba has urged the nominally civilian Burmese government to continue its reforms, saying Japan would do what it could to help Burma's reconciliation process and improve its economy. Mr Gemba spoke after meeting President Thein Sein and the pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi. For her part, Ms Suu Kyi said Japan's ongoing support was crucial. "Our country is bound and determined to march towards the democratic goal. In doing so, I expect Japan to be at the forefront of friendly nations who will help us." Two prominent South Korean women have met the man chosen as the next leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un. South Korean officials said the country's former first lady and the chairman of Hyundai talked (about口误) with the leader for about 10 minutes after arriving in Pyongyang to pay their respects to his father Kim Jong-il. Police here in London say [they] are investigating two stabbings on Oxford Street, one of the busiest shopping streets in Europe. In the first incident, an 18-year-old died when (where口误) he was attacked. The second stabbing was in another area of Oxford Street, and the victim is being treated in hospital. A newspaper in Chile has been ordered to compensate 13 readers who suffered injuries when they followed a recipe it published. The recipe for churros - a sweet fried pastry snack - caused explosions that showered the cooks with hot oil, causing burns. Chile's Supreme Court ordered La Tercera newspaper to pay more than $160,000 to the victims. The court found that injury had been inevitable for anyone who followed the printed recipe correctly. BBC News 阿盟观察员使团主要分遣队已到达叙利亚,监督一项意在终结连日来暴力活动的倡议的执行情况。自从今年早些时候反政府抗议活动开始以来,已有数千人丧生。据悉,至少18人在Homs市的炮弹中丧生。阿盟的倡议已经过叙利亚政府同意,要求所有武装力量从冲突地区撤出。BBC驻贝鲁特记者Jim Muir说,不清楚观察员的行动是否会受限制。 叙利亚官员称遵守与阿盟签署的协议,观察员完全有行动的自由,不过顾及到他们的安全问题,他们当然必须与叙利亚当局协调,他们不能开车去像Homs这样的地区。所以在一定程度上观察员要依靠叙利亚当局。 男女隔离运动当地紧张局势加剧,数百名超正统派犹太人与警察在耶路撒冷附近发生冲突。在贝特·西蒙斯镇,警察被招来移去主干道上一块命令两性隔离的标牌,一名警官在冲突中受伤。 超正统派犹太人向警察和记者投掷石块和鸡蛋,并点燃垃圾箱,他们还在之前被拆除隔离命令牌的地方重新安置了标牌。贝特·西蒙斯镇已经成了超正统派和世俗派犹太人的核心冲突地。总理本杰明·内塔尼亚胡称警察将继续逮捕超正统派不法者,声称以色列没有给歧视留出空间。 墨西哥当局称逮捕了该国头号毒品头目、在逃的锡那罗亚州卡特尔老板Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman的贴身保镖。这位名为Felipe Cabrera Sarabia的保镖是被特殊部队逮捕的。墨西哥军队上校Ricardo Trevilla称,Cabrera在这个卡特尔组织中是从普通成员上升的重要位置的。 “Cabrera使用暴力手段控制该组织的犯罪活动,他就这样在团伙中获得地位,成为毒品走私交易中的重要人物,使他成为集团头目在他地盘内的保护者。” 几内亚比绍军方领导人Antonio Indjai司令称已挫败一起针对首都总参谋部和其他军事基地的袭击事件。他说,发生了企图从军火库夺去武器的袭击后,军队和政府仍控制着本国。 数百人参加了尼日利亚一所罗马天主教堂的纪念仪式,这里周日发生的炸弹袭击中有30多人丧生。爆炸发生在阿布贾郊区,是圣诞节一系列袭击中的第一次。 (本段因涉及国内政治问题略去) 日本外长玄叶光一郎敦促缅甸文人政府继续改革,称日本将尽所能来帮助缅甸的和解进程,促进经济发展。玄叶光一郎是在同总统登盛和亲民主派领导人昂山素季会面后发表此番言论的,昂山素季对此发表个人看法,她说日本能继续提供支持很重要。 “缅甸一定坚决向民主目标迈进,为了实现这个目标,我希望日本能站在帮助缅甸的友邦的前列。” 韩国两位杰出女性与被当选为朝鲜下届领导人的金正恩会面,韩国官员表示,韩国前第一夫人和现代集团主席到达平壤后,先是向金正恩的父亲金正日致敬,后与这位领导人会谈了10分钟。 伦敦警方称正在调查牛津街上两起刺杀案,这是欧洲最繁忙的购物街。在第一起案件中,一名18岁男子遇袭后身亡。第二起刺杀案发生在牛津街的另一区域,受害者正在医院接受治疗。 智利一家报纸被判向13名因按照报上的菜谱做菜而受伤的读者做出赔偿,这道菜名叫炸西班牙油条(Churros),这是一种油炸甜食,读者们按照菜谱制作时发生了爆炸事件,身上被溅了滚烫的热油。智利最高法院下令La Tercera报向受害者赔偿16多万美元。法院发现,不管谁按照报上的做法制作,都不可避免的受伤。