Gelada baboons. No monkey lives at higher altitude. They are found only in these mountains. They use the steep cliffs of the Blue Nile's gorge to provide overnight protection from leopards and humans. In fact, the rodents have nothing to fear. The baboons feed exclusively on grass, the only monkey that does so. Males use those teeth to intimidate rivals. They live in a complex ordered society of many hundred animals. It can be bitterly cold up here. Geladas shuffle while feeding to save energy, crucial with such a poor diet. It probably stops their bare bottoms getting cold too. This is a tough time of year, they are forced to dig for roots. How can such a place provide the water for the Nile's great flood? 这是狮尾狒,栖地海拔最高的猿猴类动物。它们只生活在这里的群山中。它们利用青尼罗河河谷陡峭的山崖作为夜间防范豹和人类侵袭的屏障。狮尾狒不会对啮齿动物们构成任何威胁,它们是完全的草食动物,也是这世上唯一的草食猿猴类动物。公狒狒会利用尖牙来吓阻敌手。它们生活在成员众多、结构复杂而又有序的群体之中。山上有时候冷得厉害。狮尾狒会拖着脚进食以节省体力,在食物如此稀少的情况下这样做非常重要。另外还能防止光秃的臀部着凉。这是一年中最艰困的时期,狒狒们被迫挖掘草根为食。这样的地方怎么可能是尼罗河泛滥的源头呢?