From June, moisture-laden clouds from the Congo basin collide with these steep mountains and the heavens open. A metre of rain and hail fall in just a few weeks. The Ethiopian Highlands are known as ''Africa's Water Tower''. The Roof of Africa can be a miserable place during its three-month rainy season. But the rain brings the mountains back to life. The rodents' world is transformed. The lush vegetation provides them with as much food as they need, and cover from predators, like this Augur Buzzard. Provided, of course, they see it before it sees them. 六月起,来自刚果盆地饱含水气的雨云会撞上这片陡峭的山脉,天堂的门户自此大开。短短几星期时间降雨(雹)量便会超过一米。埃塞俄比亚高原以“非洲的水塔”著称于世。三个月的雨季当中,非洲屋脊的环境可能会相当恶劣。但雨水却让群山再现生机。 啮齿动物们的世界彻底改观。青翠茂盛的植被供应给它们丰足的食物和可以用来躲避类似暗棕鵟这样天敌的有效掩护。只要它们比敌人更先察觉到对方的存在。