The highlands are full of people, too. They have exploited the rich soil here since the time of Ancient Egypt. The rainy season turns the highlands into a busy patchwork of farmland. This is one of the largest and oldest areas of cultivated land in Africa. Inevitably, this great bounty attracts unwelcome visitors. Ethiopian children play their part in protecting the family crops. The flute is played to scare away animals, at least that's one theory. Sometimes more direct action is necessary. The rains continue for up to three months. It may appear bleak, but in fact it's a time of celebration and thanksgiving for the highland farmers. They're accustomed to the yearly rhythm, and they see the rains as a blessing. Beneath their feet, the land is undergoing one final dramatic change. 高原上也住满了人类。从古埃及时代起他们便在这里耕耘这片沃土。雨季将这座高原转变成热闹忙碌的一块块农田。这是非洲大陆最古老、面积也最大的农耕区之一。好收成不可避免地会招来一些不速之客。埃塞俄比亚的儿童们履行着保护家中作物的职责。他们的笛声能赶走害兽,至少有这种说法。但有时也有必要采取更直接的措施。 雨季会持续三个月。虽然气氛有些苍凉,但其实现在正是高原农家庆祝丰收和谢天的时候。他们依着年月的轮转过活,并将雨水视为上天的恩赐。在他们的脚下,大地正在进行最终的戏剧性转变。