Like the Ancient Egyptians, the people of the Ethiopian Highlands know they must live within the Nile's rhythm. It can be good to them and give them all they need. But it can also turn on them and even threaten their lives. Some years the flood is so great that crops, livestock and even homes are swept away. Even though most highlanders are devout Christians, older, pagan beliefs, with a deep connection to nature, still survive here. Discreet offerings are made to Gihon, a river spirit. Usually, Gihon is asked for help. But if the flood is too great, the spirit is begged for mercy. 同古埃及人一样,埃塞俄比亚高原的居民们也深知他们必须随着尼罗河的节奏起舞。这样做对他们有好处,他们的需求能够得到满足。但大河也有可能背叛他们,甚至威胁到他们的生命。有些年,过量的洪水会冲毁农作物、牲畜甚至房屋。虽然如今大多数高原居民都是虔诚的基督徒,但和大自然关系密切的的古老异教信仰也仍然存留于此。人们谨慎地向河神基训贡献祭品。通常人们是为了寻求基训的援助,但若洪水过量,它就会成为人们求饶的对象。