The Nile is their only lifeline. Every year they wait for the river to burst its banks and flood. Without it, they cannot irrigate the land and raise their crops. Without it, there would be no civilisation. The Egyptians have already seen the river fail them, with catastrophic consequences. A 20-year drought destroyed the Old Kingdom, the age of the pyramids. Much of the population had simply starved to death when the floodwaters failed. As the seasons progress, the balance between order and chaos is about to shift. They look to the one person with the responsibility to maintain this balance, the one who must ensure the Nile will flood, the pharaoh. 尼罗河是他们唯一的生命线。每年他们都在等待河水泛滥,淹没河岸。没有它,他们就不能灌溉、栽种农作物。没有它,就不会有文明存在。埃及人见识过让他们失望的大河所造成的灾难性后果。长达20年的旱灾终结了古王国时期,也就是金字塔年代。大河泛滥不成的时候,大多数人只能活活地饿死。时序节令更迭之际,秩序和混乱之间的平衡即将发生改变。他们将希望寄托给有责任维系这个平衡的人,这个必须确保尼罗河将会泛滥的人——法老王。