He must mediate between his people and the gods. He derives his power from his father, the god Osiris. Osiris had taught his people how to use the Nile to cultivate the land. But Osiris had a brother, Seth, who was jealous of his power and murdered him by cutting him into pieces and scattering them over the land. But the broken body of Osiris was bound back together and restored to life. Osiris is depicted with a green face to reflect the fertility he brought to the country. Egyptians think of him each time the seasonal flood brings their land back to life. For his crime the murderous Seth was banished to the desert, the realm of chaos, from where he forever threatens to return and destroy the Egyptian world with plague, drought and famine. 他必须担任沟通子民和众神之间的桥梁。他的权力来自于他的父亲——奥西里斯。奥西里斯曾经教导它的子民利用尼罗河来耕作土地。可是奥西里斯的弟弟塞特嫉妒他的权力,将他杀害并碎尸万段后抛弃于大地之上。不过之后,奥西里斯的破碎身躯重新聚合在一起、死而复生。传说中的奥西里斯有张绿色的脸孔,反映出他为埃及带来的丰饶。每次季节性洪水让大地重生时,埃及人都会想到他。他那恶贯满盈的弟弟塞特被放逐到沙漠中,进入混乱之境。在那里,赛特不断威胁着要回来制造蝗灾、干旱和饥荒以摧毁埃及人的世界。