As the ground bakes and the Nile dwindles, the Egyptians pray for the return of the flood. An entire civilisation holds its breath. The pharaoh's position is now precarious. He must prove he can influence the gods. His people demand that he delivers the flood. They know the Nile has risen before to replenish their world, and they yearn for its arrival again. But has the pharaoh been able to appease the gods this year? All along the valley, people are looking to nature for signs of hope. Then, at last, one appears. Flocks of sacred ibis arrive from the south. Egyptians have learned that the flood will surely follow. 大地烧灼,尼罗河日渐缩退,埃及人祈求泛滥洪水的回归,整个埃及文明都屏息以待。法老王的地位现在岌岌可危,他必须证明自己可以影响众神。他的子民要求他唤来洪水。他们知道尼罗河水位上涨后世界就能重生,他们渴望河水再次回升。但是法老王今年能够安抚众神吗?在整个河谷地区,人们都在企盼昭示希望的自然迹象。终于,它出现了。大群圣鹮从南方飞越而来。埃及人从经验得知,洪水将随后到来。