The plague has decimated the population. Cemeteries overflow with the dead. The stench of death attracts scavengers. But even in such desperate times, the people seek signs of hope. Their imagination transforms the wild dogs and jackals that scavenge around the cemeteries into Anubis, a god who escorts the souls of the dead into the underworld. Following the devastation by the locust plague, the pharaoh must take control of the crisis. He must organise the redistribution of the nation's reserves from other parts of his kingdom. The villagers of Djeme can now start to rebuild their lives. But just as order returns to their world, terrible news arrives from the city of Thebes. The pharaoh, the man they believe to be a god, proves to be as mortal as themselves. The pharaoh is dead. Not only does he leave a political vacuum, but now there is no one to intercede with the gods. The Egyptian's ordered world is in danger of descending into permanent chaos. 因蝗灾被饿死、毒死的人不计其数,墓园之中尸满为患,腐尸恶臭引来许多食腐动物。就算身处这样的绝望时刻,人们仍在寻求昭示希望的迹象。他们运用想像力将到处大啖腐尸的野狗和胡狼幻化成阿努比斯——护送死者亡灵进入阴间世界的神。在惨遭蝗灾蹂躏残害之后,法老王必须进行危机管理。他必须重新调配王国境内的储粮,进行有效的利用。吉美村村民现在可以开始重建生活秩序了。 但就在一切逐渐回归正轨之际,底比斯传来了可怕的坏消息。他们心中信以为神的法老王终究也只是同他们一样的肉胎凡身——法老王驾崩了。他不只留下了政治空窗期,还导致埃及如今再也没有能够向众神请命的人了。原本井然有序的埃及社会处于陷入永世混乱的险境中。