For the Egyptians, death is not the end. They believe that as long as the body is intact, the spirit can be kept alive. The pharaoh is prepared for mummification. The organs are removed and stored in canopic jars. All except for the heart, upon which is placed a scarab amulet. This will be crucially important later. The body is dried out with salt before being wrapped in hundreds of metres of bandages. Even in death, the pharaoh's responsibility to his people is not over. But it will take 70 days until he is ready to perform the most important test of his kingship and deliver them from chaos. Summer is approaching, and they face the threat of drought once more. Without their pharaoh the villagers fear for their future. 埃及人并不认为死亡就是终点,他们相信只要保持身体完整,亡灵就能保有生命。他们准备将法老王制成木乃伊。法老王的脏器被摘除下来储放在礼葬瓮之中。只有心脏例外,他们会在心脏上放置圣甲虫护身符,这样的安排在往后极具重要性。尸身将会上盐加以阴干,再用几百米长的绷带加以缠绕。即使在死后,法老王对于子民的天职仍然未了,不过要等到70天之后他才能为接受对法老王王权最重要的试炼做好准备,从而解救他的子民于水深火热之中。夏季即将到来,埃及人再次面临干旱的威胁。失去了法老王,村民们对未来感到恐慌。