As the season of hardship intensifies, Egyptian vultures are drawn closer to the shrinking river in the hope of finding a meal. A column of vultures riding the thermal currents is a sign of death. The villagers' cattle are dying. A vulture's hooked bill cuts easily into the hide, and its bald head and neck saves prolonged feather-cleaning. It uses its bulk and outstretched wings to try and dominate the carcass. It's midsummer. The Nile is now so low it's possible to walk across it. The flood is very late. The words of an ancient prophecy are becoming a reality. "What will become of this land? The river of Egypt is dry. Let me show you the land in turmoil." All the villagers can do now is wait. In the midst of drought, the entire kingdom faces catastrophe. Have the gods deserted their world? 当季节性苦难加重之际,白兀鹫遭到吸引,更靠近缩减河道,希望饱餐一顿。一小群兀鹫乘着上升热气流盘旋代表着死亡。村里的牲畜奄奄一息。兀鹫的钓嘴轻易刺穿了兽皮,光秃秃的头颈部省去它们累人的羽毛清洁工作。它利用巨翼和粗壮的身躯试图占据整块腐尸。仲夏时节。尼罗河水位低到人们可以徒步穿越河道。洪水迟到太久了。古老的预言即将在世间成为现实。 “大地将会变成何种模样?埃及之河已经干涸,让我为你展现动乱的大地。” 村民们现在只能苦等。在旱灾肆虐之下,整个王国遭逢灭顶之灾。难道众神已经遗弃他们了吗?