The pharaoh is now travelling through the underworld, a distorted reflection of the Nile valley. Here he encounters familiar Nile creatures again. This time they play a pivotal role in Egypt's destiny. The pharaoh finds himself in the presence of the gods. This is the Hall of Judgement. It's time for the ultimate test, the weighing of the heart. The pharaoh's heart is to be weighed against a feather, symbol of order and justice, principles by which the pharaoh should have ruled his people. The jackal-headed god Anubis places the heart on the scales. The ibis-headed god Thoth stands by to record the result. The ceremony is overseen by Osiris. If the pharaoh's heart is too heavy with sin, it faces annihilation by the Devourer, a crocodile-headed monster. The Egyptian world will be doomed to remain in chaos. The scarab amulet that was placed on the pharaoh's chest ensures his heart will not betray him. "I have not committed crimes against my people. I have not done what the gods hate. I have not obstructed water when it should run." 法老王现在所行经的阴间世界是尼罗河河谷的折射反映。他会在这里重遇熟悉的尼罗河生物。这一次,它们会在埃及的命运中扮演重要角色。法老王发现自己已经身在众神之中。这里便是审判堂了。进行终极试炼——称量心脏重量——的时刻到了。称量法老王心脏的砝码是一根羽毛,这根羽毛是律法和正义的象征,而这两者又是法老王应当遵从以统治子民的原则。人身胡狼首的阿努比斯将心脏放在天平上,人身圣鹮首的托特在一边等着记录结果,奥西里斯则负责监督仪式的进行。法老王的心若因罪恶深重而太过沉重就将遭到迪瓦尔——一只鳄鱼首怪物——的毁灭,埃及人的世界也将被判定为要继续接受水深火热的煎熬。放置在法老王胸膛上的圣甲虫护身符会确保他的心脏不背叛他。 “我从未犯下违叛子民的罪孽,我从未违背众神的意旨,我从未阻扰应当到来的河水。”