Acquisitions in the computer industry normally are difficult. Steve Milunovich, a technology analyst for Merrill Lynch, says the restructuring challenges for Hewlett and Compaq are formidable. But the main point, he says, is that personal computer companies have to consolidate if they hope to stay in business. “But I think we’re now at a point where the industry is mature. We’ve argued that the PC game, in a sense, is over. It’s not what’s driving the industry itself. I think you need a third strong enterprise company after Sun and IBM. So there’s no question that there are a lot of difficulties here. But I think the relevant question is, are these companies better off apart or together?” 通常在计算机企业中收购都是困难的事。Steve Milunovichin ,美林证券公司的一位技术分析员说到:重组对Hewlett和康柏电脑公司来说是艰难的。但是主要的一点是,如果那些个人计算机公司想持续经营就只能合并。