-Cal: All right. Stand up. Stand up, stand up. All right,when did you make the video? -Jasmine: What?! -Cal: What's your name again? -Jasmine: I didn't make it. -Cal: Exploding buildings, that was news footage, right? Your name is...? -Stacey: Stacey.-Cal: Stacey. -Stacey: I don't know. Probably. I couldn't... -Jared: I'm the one who made that video . -Mr. Fitzgerald: Jared? -Jared: Jared Rollins is my name. I made the video. -Cal: Get your hands out of your pockets. So what's the plan, eh? Is it a bombing or a shooting or what? Because you know, there always is a plan, right? -Jared: You tell me. -Foster: So when did you make the video, Jared? -Jared: What does it matter? -Foster: Well, I thought it would have mattered a great deal to you. -Jared: I made the video, that's all you need to know. -Foster: Well, who did you send it to? -Jared: What? -Torres: And stop right there. He's lying, he didn't make it. -Foster: Jared, why would you lie about making that video? -Jared: Because maybe they all deserve to die. Or at least worry about it. -Foster: Who? -Jared: They know who they are. -Torres: If he didn't make the video, he sure wishes he had. His face, body language. It's homicidal intent, right?“ -Cal: Your name is? -Stacey: Stacey. -Cal: Stacey. That was news footage? -Stacey: I don't know. Probably. -Jared: I'm the one who made the video. -Mr. Fitzgerald: Jared? -Jared: Jared Rollins is my name.” -Eli: Ok, when he said he made the video, he deliberately interrupted Stacey. -Torres: And she's relieved. -Eli: He's covering for her, he's protecting her. 好了, stand up: 起立 起立, 起立,起立。 video: 录像带 你什么时候制作的录像? 什么?! 你叫什么名字? 不是我做的。 explode: 爆炸,炸掉 building: 大楼,大厦大楼炸掉, news footage: 新闻镜头 news: 新闻 footage: 连续镜头那是新闻片段,对吧? 你叫什么? Stacey。 Stacey。 我不知道... 可能吧... 不确定… 录像是我做的。 Jared? 我叫Jared Rollins。 我做的录像。 get…out of: 把…拿出来 pocket: 口袋 把手从口袋里拿出来, plan: 计划你的计划是什么? bombing: 爆炸,轰炸 shooting: 射击弄个爆炸,开个枪,还是什么? 总得有个计划,对吧? 不如你告诉我。 录像什么时候制作的,Jared? 这又有什么关系? matter: 关系 a great deal: 很多,很大我觉着跟你可有大关系。 我做的录像,你知道这个足够了。 send to: 送给某人 你把它给谁了? 什么? 在这暂停, lying: 撒谎(lie的进行时)他在撒谎,不是他做的。 Jared,为什么撒谎说是你做的录像? deserve: 应得,值得因为他们都该死, at least: 至少 worry about: 担心 起码担心一下。 谁? 他们自己知道。 sure: 的确,当然 wish: 希望如果不是他做的,他肯定也希望是, body language: 肢体语言他的面部表情、肢体语言, homicidal intent: 谋杀倾向 homicidal: 杀人的 intent: 意图,倾向这是谋杀倾向,对吧? “你叫什么? Stacey。 footage: 影片的镜头Stacey,那是新闻片段吗? 我不知道,可能吧。 录像是我做的。 Jared? 我叫Jared Rollins。” 他说自己做录像时 , deliberately: 故意地 interrupt: 打断故意打断了Stacey。 relieve: 放松,缓解然后她松了一口气。 cover for: 代替 protect: 保护他在掩护她,保护她。