-Cal: There's a whitening of the skin around the eyes, which is a dead give away for the kind of fear that we try to hide when we lie. And a slight rotation of the right arm, which is what we call in the trade a shrug fragment, which means he's got zero confidence in what he just said. -Otto Frankel: The eyes of a cheat who thinks he has all the cards, but who knows . I'm telling the truth. -Cal: Well, he's lying. -Hutton: The son of a bitch has been playing us the whole time. -Cal: Whoa, easy! No, I didn't say... -Hutton: You really think we're that dumb, huh? -Cal: Easy! I didn't say! I didn't... ! -Terry: No! No! -Ben Reynolds: FBI! Nobody move! Anybody else? Down on your knees! Now! -Cal: How do you do that? -Hutton: Blanks. -Terry: Blanks? -Cal: No, no, I mean, with your eyes. How do you do that? -Hutton: Oh, it's just practice. -Terry: What's going on? -Ben Reynolds: Get up. Put your hands behind your back. -Cal: I swear, I'm getting too old for this, Terry. I really am. FBI have been onto you and McClellan For, oh, a while now. -Hutton: Special Agent Hutton. -Cal: Oh, nice to meet you. -Hutton: You, too. Superior work, Agent Reynolds. -Ben Reynolds: Well, likewise, my friend. So how's that for having your back? -Cal: That's just like a real FBI Agent.-Terry: Thanks a lot, Cal. -Cal: What? -Hutton: So, uh, when did you first realize I was undercover, Dr. Lightman? -Cal: Back at the poker table, you were angry and fearful, but on my behalf. -Hutton: Ha, really? -Cal: Yeah. -Ben Reynolds: Come on, let's go. whitening: 变白 skin: 皮肤眼周肤色变白, dead: 致命的 give away: 泄露,出卖是一项致命纰漏, fear: 恐惧 hide: 隐藏,掩盖 泄露了我们在说谎时的恐惧。 slight: 轻微的 rotation: 旋转 right arm: 右臂 还有,右臂轻微转动, trade: 交换 shrug: 耸肩 fragment: 片段,碎片这就是我们,所说的部分耸肩行为的代偿表现。 zero: 零点 confidence: 自信意味着,他对他说的话没有一点自信。 eye: 见解 cheat: 骗子 一个骗子, card: 手段,策略自以为掌握全局, 但其实你知道, 我说的是真话。 他在说谎。 son of a bitch: 混蛋 the whole time: 始终 这混蛋一直在耍我们。 easy: 放松点别、别,我没说… dumb: 愚蠢的 你真以为我们那么蠢? 我没那么说,我没那么说... 不! 不! move: 移动FBI! 都别动! 还有谁? on one’s knees: 跪着 跪下! 快! 快! 跪下! 跪下! 你是怎么做到的? blank: 空的,空包弹空弹。 空弹? 不是,我是说你的眼睛, 你怎么做到的? practice: 练习 哦,多练练而已。 怎么回事? behind one's back: 在某人之背后 起来,双手放在背后。 swear: 发誓 我发誓,我太老干不了这个了,Terry。 真的, FBI着手调查你和McClellan, 已经有一段时间了。 special: 特别的 agent: 探员 特别侦探Hutton。 很高兴认识你。 我也是。 superior: 出众的 干得真棒,Reynolds探员。 likewise: 同样地 你也是,伙计。 back: 支持 刚才这下挺你怎么样? 像个货真价实的FBI探员。 多谢,Cal。 什么? realize: 意识 undercover: 密探,卧底你什么时候意识到,我是卧底的,Lightman博士? poker: 纸牌 在扑克桌上,你那时生气, fearful: 害怕的 又担心, on one’s behalf: 为…的利益,代表 但是,是为我。 哈,这样啊? 是呀。 来吧,我们走。