-Loker: Why were you cutting the line ? -Man: Someone said the doors were opening. Guess I got excited. -Loker: Well, the look on your face isn't excitement. It's not even aggression. That's panic . You were afraid, before the stampede even started. -Man: My daughter... I told her to stay close. And when I heard her crying... Look, it's every parent's worst nightmare. Then the crowd starts moving before I could get to her. -Torres: Is she OK? -Man: She got knocked down. Her arm's broken in three places. I don't know what we're gonna do about her hospital bills. -Loker: Well, she wasn't hurt in that stampede, like you've claimed. It happened before that, didn't it? -Man: You think I hurt her? -Loker: No. But I do think that you are an opportunist. -Torres: Look, just tell us the truth. How did she break her arm? It wasn't in the stampede, was it? -Man: She fell. When I heard her crying, I panicked. I went looking for her. -Loker: And the crowd thought that you were breaking its first rule... Don't cut the line. -Torres: Or they saw you moving forward and assumed the doors were opening. -Torres: Either way, what they couldn't contemplate in that state of mind was a father rushing to help his daughter. -Man: Ok, so what happened? Those people who died... It was my fault? cut: 插队你为什么插队 有人说门要打开了我想一下子我就激动了吧 excitement: 兴奋但是你脸上没有激动的表情 aggression: 攻击性侵略性甚至没有攻击性 panic: 痛苦的而是痛苦的表情 stampede: 人群的拥挤你很害怕在人群开始拥挤之前 我的女儿… 我告诉她和我站一起但是当我听到她的惨叫时… nightmare: 噩梦听着这是所有父母的噩耗 接着在我靠近她之前人群就开始涌动了 她还好吗 knock down: 撞到她被挤倒了 她的手臂有3处骨折了 gonna: (美)将要(等于going to) 我甚至无法支付医疗费 claim: 宣称她不是在踩踏事件中受的伤你刚才露馅儿了 在那之前她就受伤了是吧 你认为我伤害了她 opportunist: 机会主义者不但是我确实认为你很会投机取巧 听着说出真相她是怎么受的伤 不是因为踩踏事件是吧 她摔到了 panicked: 恐慌当我听到她的惨叫时我慌了 我就找她 然后人们就认为你破了先例… cut the line: 插队不要故意插队 assume: 假定的或者是他们看到你向前挤他们就以为门开了 contemplate: 冥思苦想 rush to: 冲到 无论怎样他们绝不会注意到那是一个父亲冲去帮助他的女儿 那么发生什么了 那些死去的人… fault: 错误 是我的错