The new President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, who's just been sworn in, says his country will adopt a different foreign policy and seek good relations with other countries. "Being a bridge between East and West, an integral part of Europe and the former USSR at the same time, Ukraine will c… 非官方翻译仅供参考: 维克多•亚努科维奇称乌克兰将会采取不同的外交政策并谋求与其他各国保持良好关系,他是在宣誓就任乌克兰新一届总统之后作上述表态的。 “作为东西方的桥梁,并同时作为欧洲与前苏联的组成部分,乌克兰选择的这一外交政策将使我国在与俄联邦、欧盟、美国和世界上有影响诸国平等互利关系发展中得到收益…