BBC News with Joe Macintosh. The former United Nations' special representative to Afghanistan has criticised Pakistan for the arrests last month of senior Taliban members. In his first interview since leaving office at the beginning of this month, Kai Eide told the BBC that he had been having peace… 联合国前任驻阿富汗特使指责巴基斯坦于上月逮捕一名塔利班高级成员的行为。在他本月初卸任后的首次采访中,凯.埃德告诉BBC他已从去年春天起在与塔利班代表进行和平会谈,但在逮捕事件发生后这些谈话就终止了。凯.埃德称他相信是巴基斯坦有意采取逮捕措施来终止谈话的。" “巴基斯坦并没有履行他们应该履行的职责,他们了解…