Do you understand the new regulations for Premier League football squads this season? How might they affect your team? Are they good for the game? Or maybe you agree with Arsène Wenger who said today they could be "disastrous" for football as something he's been saying throughout the summer. In … 你了解新赛季对英超球队的新政策吗?这个政策会对球队产生怎样的影响呢,会对球队有好处吗?也许你会同意阿森纳主帅温格的说法,这条规定对足球来说真是个打击。这是他一整个夏天都在说的话。在接下去的半个小时,我们的节目将一一分析和解释。 那么,简单来说,这条规定要求每支英超球队在新赛季的阵容里最多只能有25名一…