Rotten meat, rotten meat, yeah. I don't like dead rats. I don't mind live ones. Something about dead rats, I don't know why. I hope he's not doing what I think he is, otherwise I'll have to go and to arrest him. Well, there's a good chance that is probably urine, yeah. You can always tell if it's in a corner, you know what I mean. If it's hidden away in a corner, that urine, you know what I mean? That, I would imagine.....I should say it's Coca Cola. I remember once a girl was so sick walking through, she was so bad, she kept getting sick. I said, "Hang on a minute, darling. Wait a minute."And I gave her a bag. I said, "You do the rest." Yeah, blood was actually found somewhere around here. He's having an argument with his girlfriend, he broke a bottle and stabbed himself and got up and walked off. It's mayhem, you know, some really good punch-ups, you know what I mean, and then they just go home. They let off steam and I come here the next morning and try to work out what it was, who won. you know what I mean? 腐肉味,腐肉味,没错。我不喜欢死老鼠,活着的倒无所谓,就是不喜欢死老鼠,我也不知道为什么。我希望他不是在做我心里想的那件事,否则我就得去逮捕他了,那可能是尿。总有人在角落里不守规矩,要是藏在角落里,可能就是尿。那个,我觉得是应该是可乐。我记得有次一个姑娘从里这走过,她恶心得厉害,一直想吐。我说"坚持住,等一下"。然后给了她一个袋子,然后说"你吐吧"。这附近真的有过血迹,一个人在这里跟女朋友吵架,他把瓶子摔破猛扎自己,然后站起来就走了,简直一片狼藉。还有在街上斗殴的,打完就回家了,他们在这儿打完,我第二天早上过来,然后猜到底出了什么事,谁打赢了。你明白我的意思吧。 贺加斯是第一位,把伦敦街头当作剧院的艺术家。街上的污垢和废墟,奇人和异事共同述说着一个特别的故事。这座城市街头的肮脏氛围,此后便成为艺术家灵感的来源。 And it's fun because you're watching other people's behaviour. Cos it's such a job, it gets into your blood. People will tell you that, you know. This and the refuge, it gets inside you. It's inside you. You find it hard to do anything else. 观察别人的一举一动是一件趣事,这样的工作会成为你生命的一部分。大家都这么跟你说,这个还有庇护所,成为你的一部分,与你融为一体 很难再去做别的事情。与你融为一体,很难再去做别的事情。