My great-great-grandmother, she used to sold violets on the streets of London, like the old-fashioned when you see in Mary Poppins, the old lady that selling violets on the streets. She would have gone early in the morning to the Old Covent Garden and I dare say that she had a whale of a time there. Covent Garden is in my blood. I just feel like it's my home. It's like being home. I can feel the atmosphere, of how it must have been in the old days. It must have been dirty, smelly, busy, but absolutely full of people that were just alive, really, really alive in the mornings, and shouting and selling and, you know, trying to barter and just the whole thing must have been interesting, absolutely magical, really. Around Covent Garden Market grew up a world of theatres, brothels and coffee houses that attracted writers and artists. Urban life in the raw was to become the subject matter of art. 我的高祖母当年就在伦敦街头卖过紫罗兰,就像《欢乐满人间》(《欢乐满人间》: 经典儿童读物,曾被改编成著名迪斯尼动画)里那种在伦敦街头卖紫罗兰的老妇人。她当年一大早就去老柯芬园,我敢说她当年在那里过得很开心,柯芬园深埋在我的血液里,这里感觉就像我的家一样,就像在家里一样。我可以感受到,古时候的氛围,那时这里一定又脏又臭又繁忙。但肯定到处是快活的人,真正的快活。大清早就开始叫卖,人们讨价还价。这一切都充满着魔力。 坐落于柯芬园市场周围的剧院,妓院和咖啡馆吸引着作家和艺术家接踵而至,鲜活的城市文化成为艺术的创作素材。