The imprint of ancient London defines the map of the modern city. The city sheds its skin while the bones stay the same. During the 17th and 18th centuries, new streets and houses spread west. Beyond the old city, a very different London was emerging. 老伦敦身上不可磨灭的印记,决定了现代伦敦的布局,就像老瓶装新酒一般的道理。 Bank junction is like... 银行交叉口就像 It's the pulse of London. It's the heartbeat of London. 就像是伦敦的脉搏 伦敦的心跳 You've got the Royal Exchange right in front of you, 正对面是伦敦交易所 you've got the Bank of England itself on the left, 左边就是英格兰银行 and there's so much going on there. 这里发生着很多故事 There's a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes. 这一幕背后有着很多故事 You just don't actually see it, 只是你看不见而已 but you can virtually feel it going on there. 但你就是有这种感觉 You can envisage the old Roman legions, I suppose, 你可以想象古罗马的庞大军团 crossing the junction there 穿过这里的情形 because initially it was the old Roman part of London. 因为这是伦敦最具有古罗马气息的地方 Time just sort of stands still while you're there. 身临此处 时间仿佛静止了一般 If you could sort of half shut your eyes, 当你半睁双眼 you can see the old traders. 还可以看到那些老道的交易员 You know, they're going to Lloyd's of London 匆匆地赶往劳埃德保险社 or little coffee houses in the back streets that are still there. 或者保存至今的后街小咖啡馆 And you can see behind the windows of all the buildings there 透过那些大楼的窗户可以看到 the clerks with quill pens buzzing away, making lists and charts, 员工们正用羽毛笔奋笔疾书 制作表单 just generally getting on with the business of London. 为一些活计而忙碌着 It's the pulse. It's the heartbeat of London, 这样一个小小的地方 virtually in that little area there. 就是伦敦的脉搏 伦敦的心脏 在17到18世纪期间,新街区与住宅区开始向西延伸。抛开旧城,一个新的伦敦正在形成。