When the evening mist clothes the riverside with poetry, tall chimneys become campanili. The warehouses are palaces in the night. And the whole city hangs in the heavens and fairyland is before us. American painter James McNeil Whistler faced tough criticism for these near abstract night-time images. But, like so many artists, his picture of 19th-century London was of a city cloaked and impenetrable. 夜幕降临 薄雾给河岸带来一丝诗情画意,高耸的烟囱在夜晚化身成了钟楼。仓库也俨然宫殿一般。画中呈现的城市,犹如沉醉在仙境中。美国画家詹姆斯·麦克奈尔·惠斯勒因其所绘的抽象夜景而饱受争议,但恰如其他艺术家一样,他所创作的19世纪伦敦是座若隐若现神秘莫测的城市。 *迷雾漫漫伦敦天* *A foggy day in London town* *令我心忧令我愁* *Had me low and it had me down* *一早双眸蒙戒意* *I view the morning with much alarm* *往日大英博物馆* *The British Museum* *褪去魅力与荣光* *It lost its charm*