Sketchbook in hand, he feverishly captured the scene as it happened. Turner became obsessed with the event, and the sketches resulted in an epic oil painting. And, as before, out of destruction would arise a symbol of London's state of mind. William Kent imagined the Houses of Parliament looking like this. A classical building, symbolic of order and harmony might have radically changed how the look of the city developed. But it's no surprise that, once more, dreams of order were thwarted. Sir Charles Barrie's intricate Gothic revival design was far more suited to a metropolis that was becoming ever more chaotic and dark. A city of the night. 他手拿写生本,狂热地捕捉下了事发当时的情景。特纳逐渐迷上了这项工作,那些素描最后变成了壮观的油画。一如以往,伦敦人精神的象征,再次从废墟中崛起。威廉·肯特将未来的议会设想成这样,这栋古典建筑象征秩序与和谐,本有可能完全改变城市发展的道路,但毫无例外,美好的想象再一次被现实取代,查尔斯·巴里爵士提出的精巧复杂的哥特式设计对于伦敦,这个越发杂乱黑暗的大都市可谓更为合适。暗夜之城。