Though Canaletto spent almost a decade in this city, he rarely strayed from its grand thoroughfares and facades. Other artists were drawn instead to the toil and sweat of London. Covent Garden was home to a raucous meat, vegetable and flower market that survived into the 1970s. 虽然卡纳莱托在伦敦住了十年之久,但他却很少走街串巷。 我来了! 大家好吗? 另外一些艺术家则青睐,辛勤劳作中的伦敦景象。科芬园广场是各种肉类,蔬菜以及水果的聚集地,一直持续到20世纪70年代。 This is the New Covent Garden, which is in Vauxhall. This moved here in 1974 from the Old Covent Garden, which is in Covent Garden, not to get mixed up between the New Covent Garden and the Old Covent Garden. The spirit, I think, still remains here because of the people. Morning. How are you? Got Tommy Coopers in your team, got beat every week just like that! The banter that goes on and the sexist remarks, which I love, I know I shouldn't say that but I love it, it's part of Covent Garden. It's Old London. 这里是新柯芬园,位于沃克斯豪尔,是1974年从位于柯芬园地区的。老科芬园搬过来的,千万不要把新老科芬园搞混淆了。正是由于这些人的存在,当年的精神得以流传下来。早上好,你好吗?队里有了汤米·库珀,比赛就输定了,我喜欢大家逗笑,开性别歧视的小玩笑。我知道不太好,可我就是喜欢,这是柯芬园的一部分。这就是老式伦敦。