The streets of London, to be beheld in the very height of their glory, should be seen on a dark, dull murky winter's night. When the heavy, lazy mist which hangs over every object makes the gas lamps look brighter and the brilliantly lighted shops more splendid from the contrast they present to the darkness around. 想要一览伦敦街道,最为引人瞩目的荣光,阴沉昏暗的冬日之夜最合适不过了。那层厚重懒散的迷雾遮盖了整个城市,使得那些煤气灯越发夺目,周围的商店在灯光的照耀下光鲜亮丽,与置身其中的黑暗形成鲜明对比。 大卫·斯泰尔 夜班出租司机 London's a very quiet place at night, very ethereal - is that the right word? We all have our own favourite spots. they're usually sort of dotted around London at different, different positions. You can't obviously drive a cab for eight or nine hours continuously. And you have to find a little quiet spot. There's a small church called St Mary's Church, in Battersea Church Road, and it lies just on the bend of a river. You can see cormorants, seagulls, terns, feeding and just sitting there themselves as well. You can see the large planes going over on their way to London Airport but there's no noise at all, and it's just like a little part of the countryside. I love the tranquillity of it. 伦敦的夜晚非常安静,飘渺朦胧。这词用得对吗?我们都有各自钟爱的场所,遍布于整个城市的各个地方,你不可能连续八九小时一直开车,肯定得找个安静地方歇歇。在巴特西教堂路上有个小教堂,圣玛丽教堂,就坐落在一条河边。这里聚集着鸬鹚、海鸥和燕鸥,它们在这儿觅食栖息,你可以看到飞向伦敦机场的飞机,却又丝毫没有噪声,如同在乡间一般。我喜欢这种幽静。