As a popular saying goes, "Health is better than wealth." Good health enables you to enjoy your life and achieve what you hope for in your career. On the other hand, poor health tends to deprive you of your interest in everything around you. Therefore, health is indispensable to a happy life. There are many ways to help build up your health. In the first place, those who are always on the run from morning till night should find time to relax, because too much stress can lead to poor performance and ill health. Secondly, if you want to keep fit, you must give up habits that are harmful to your health. Finally, regular physical exercise is essential for a healthy mind and body. To the best of my knowledge, there is nothing more health-giving than a brisk walk in the morning. 正如一句流行语所说,健康好与财富。好身体能让你享受人生并成全你的事业。另一方面,疾病将夺走你的所有喜好。因此,健康是幸福生活的必要因素。有很多方法帮你构建好身体。第一步,那些从早忙到晚的人,应该找时间放松。因为过多的压力可能导致糟糕的表现和疾病。第二点,如果你想拥有健康的身体,你必须戒掉那些对健康不利的毛病。最后,有规律的运动是健康身心的必需。在我看来最好的健康习惯莫过于清晨快走。