Believe or not, 43 million Americans are gardening. That is about one in six. Gardeners, of course, come in many varieties. Not surprisingly, most of them are people who live in the suburbs, and enjoy planting flowers, or maybe a small vegetable garden. The average age of gardeners in America is about 45 years old; they usually fall somewhere in the middle class. But the fastest growing groups are city dwellers. Urban residents are finding ways of gardening even in their crowded areas. Many go to large public gardens, as a place designed by the city for garden, and you can actually ranch your own plot. Still other people use their balconies or roof tops, wherever they can find the space to plant small patches of green. 无论你信或不信,有4,300,000的美国人是园艺师。大约占了所有美国人的六分之一。当然,园艺师分很多种。而且他们大部分都是住在郊区,热爱种花,经营小蔬菜园。 美国园艺师的平均年龄在45岁左右,他们通常是滑落到中产阶级。但这最快增长的人群是城市居民。城市区民正在寻找一种在有限空间中进行园艺的方法。很多人会去面积较大的公共花园,因为那儿被城市设计成花园,而且你可以经营一块属于自己的一小块地。 再者,其他一些人利用他们的阳台或屋顶花园来增加园艺种植面积,只要可以用来增加绿量的空间都行。