S: Oh, hey, I guess the honeymoon's over. B: Just the person I wanted to see. S: I can't talk, I'm busy, B: Wait, wait,wait,stop. I will not allow us to go on living like this together. The way I see it, I am mad at you for sending out that video of me and Chuck to Gossip Girl. And you are mad at me for running off with Dan. So they cancel each other out. Actually, yours was way worse. I only need a ride, but the point is. S: Blair, I didn't release the video to Gossip Girl. B: You took the fall for us? S: It seemed like the right thing to do at the time. B: Well, since you're clearly looking out for my interests, I forgive you. Now can you forgive me for using your wedding date as a getaway driver? S: Well, I was never really mad at you. B: Ok, well , tell me what incredible romantic plans you have for today. S: Oh, you know, just interviewing, a 70-year-old avowed celibate woman for my All the reasons I hate valentine's day column, and trying to figure out ways not to become her. B: That sounds like an absolutely awful valentine's day. S: They've all been pretty awful for the past few years, the last good one I had was in high school with B: Oh, you were about to say with him? S: I have to go. 看来你蜜月结束了。 我最想见的人来了。 我现在没空聊天,我很忙。 等等,等等,停。我不能允许我们一直这样下去,照我看来,我很生气你把我和恰克的视频发给了八卦女孩,而你,很生气我和丹一起逃跑了,所以,它们互相抵消了。而且,实际上你的行为更糟糕。我只是需要他载我一程,但重点是, 布莱尔,我没有把视频发给八卦天后。 你替人顶罪了吗? 这是我那时候应该做的。 既然你希望,为了我自己,我也只好原谅你了,婚礼的时候,我把你的男伴拉去做我的逃亡车夫了,你能原谅我吧。 你知道,我是不会跟你较真的。 跟我说说你今天有什么奇妙的浪漫计划吧。 你懂得,要去做个访问,为我的专栏,讨厌情人节的N个理由,采访一个自称是独身主义的70岁老女人,我得让自己别变成她那样子。 听上去,这是个极其糟糕的情人节呀。 这几年的情人节都过得很糟糕,唯一一次美好的,是在高中,和 你要说的就是和他吧。 我该走了。