B: Dan, Geogrina. What's going on? D: Everything's fine. Georgina was just leaving, weren't you? G: Yes, I was. This party is so 2007 anyway. D: What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at some fancy gala? B: I still have this. And I just need to know one thing. I sent Serena to look for you. Am I just setting her up for disappointment? D: Do you really want us to get back together? B: I just want you to be happy. Tell me, what would make you happy, Dan. D: Wait, hey, Georgina. GG: Sorry, S. Looks like your seven minutes in heaven just turned into seven seconds from hell. 丹,乔治娜。怎么了。 没什么。乔治娜说要走,对吧。 是,派对老土得不行。 你在这儿干嘛,你不是在庆祝吗? 这个还在我那儿。我只是想确认一件事,我让瑟琳娜去找你,你难道真的要让她失望而归吗? 你真的想让我俩和好?我只是想让你开心,告诉我,你怎样才会开心,丹。 等等,乔治娜。 抱歉,S。看来在天堂的七分钟不过是地狱中的七秒。