C:Ever since the accident, I've been blaming myself, blaming Louis, but it was Humphrey behind it all. B: It's not that simple. C: Yes, it is. And now that we know the truth, there is nothing in our way. B: Humphrey's not the reason we're not together, and neither is the dowry. C: Is this about saving my life again? Because we’re past that. You said you wanted to wait until your marriage was over, Now it's over. B: Chuck, I don't blame you. And as crazy as this all has gotten, I know why you did everything. C: Because I love you. B: And I love you. I always will. But that doesn't mean I'm in love with you. At least not right now, and not the way you need me to be, not the way you deserve. I'm sorry. I have to go. 车祸之后,我就一直责备我自己,责备路易。但是汉弗瑞才是幕后黑手。 事情不是那么简单。 事情就是那么简单。现在,我们都知道真相了,我跟你之间已经没有障碍了。 汉弗瑞不是我们不能在一起的原因,也不是因为嫁妆。 又是关于救我的誓言?我们已经过去了这个坎。因为你说想等到离婚,现在你的婚姻已经结束了。 恰克,我不怪你。即使现在一团糟,我也知道你为什么这么做。 因为我爱你。 我也爱你,永远爱你,但是并不代表我会跟你在一起。最起码现在不会,我不会变长你想要的样子,也不值得你为我等候,我很抱歉。我要走了。