S: Hey, congrations. Dorota told me it's your first official day as a single woman. B: It’s true. I am finally freed of the shackles of royal matrimony and Louis’s horrible family. S: Well, now that you're ready to rejoin the civilian population how do you plan to spend your first day as plain Blair Waldorf . Oh, sure, yeah, with Dan, I’m, I know it hasn’t been easy, but I am happy for you. B: Oh, of course. A Gossip Girl blast about my divorce coming through. How does she know everything so fast? S: She probably has someone staked out in front of the building. You know what’s strange? Ever since the real Gossip Girl's been back, I've barely been mentioned. I just, I wish that there was a way to stay off her radar forever. B: Oh, please. It’s your destiny to be gossip-worthy. What? Tonight, you are modeling a line of lingerie named after you at Kiki de Montparnesse. Gossip girl won’t be able to resist. You’re always her number one target. 恭喜,多洛塔告诉我你今天正式恢复单身了。 没错,我终于摆脱了王室婚姻的枷锁和路易可怕的家庭。 既然你已经准备好重新回归到平民世界,你打算怎么度过成为平民布莱尔霍道福的第一天呢? 当然,和丹一起,我知道这很不容易,但我为你感到高兴。 当然,八卦天后爆料我成功离婚的事情,她的消息为什么总是这么及时? 她也许派人监视了这栋楼,你知道奇怪的是什么吗?自从真正的八卦天后归来以后,我几乎没有任何绯闻。我只是,我希望有办法能永远躲开她的追踪。 拜托,你注定是绯闻中心。有问题吗.今晚,你要为以你的名字命名的蒙帕纳斯琦琦内衣系列走秀,八卦天后无法拒绝这样的消息的.你永远都是她的头号目标.