D: Why you lie to Mr. Dan about signing the papers? B: Sneak up on me like that again and I'm gonna start making you wear a bell. D: I want answer. B: Divorce is a private matter. You'll see for yourself someday.Now if you wanna make yourself useful, call the car around. D: Only if you tell me why you don't sign the papers, otherwise, you take taxi. B: I'm going to do it. I just need a little more time. D: For what? B: It makes no sense. But I feel like, once I sign those paper s , I'm closing the door on something that, I'm not quite ready to let go of. D: Marriage to Louis? B: No. D: Then what? 你为什么向丹先生撒谎签署协议的事? 你再这么悄悄地出现我就得让你带个铃铛了。 我要你回答我。 离婚是私人的事情,你自己会有一天明白的。如果你想让自己帮点忙,就去把车叫过来。 你得告诉我为什么不签协议,不然你就坐出租车吧。 我会签的。我只是再需要一点时间。 做什么? 这件事没什么意义。但是我觉得,一旦我签了那些协议,我就要把一些还没舍得放手的东西彻底放掉了。 和路易的婚姻吗? 不是。 那是什么?