L: Are you sure it's ok if I borrow it? S: Yeah, of course. You have to wear the perfect thing, not just for the audition, but for all the people that will be writing about you going to it. You know, it's funny, the only person who seems not to be writing about you these days is Gossip Girl. L: That doesn't bother me. S: Really? I mean, she's the crown jewel of the New York gossip blogs. L: Maybe when you were in high school, but now it seems like she's kind of irrelevant. S:Oh, be careful what you say. She might be able to hear you. L: This is the biggest audition of my life. Last thing I'm worried about is some pathetic blogger in a dark room tethered to a computer. S: So are you nervous? L:Petrified. Von Trier’s genius, but he’s got a reputation for being really tough on actresses. Personally, I think directors wield a little bit too much power, so even if he’s tough, no tears from me. S: Well, you seem so confident today that nothing could make you cry, even if it should. L: Uh, well, thank you so much for this dress, Serena. I really appreciate it. S: Of course. Break a leg. L: Thanks. 你确定要把它借给我吗? 当然啦,不仅仅是为了试镜,而是为了所有要对你试镜而评价的人。你知道,很有趣的是,在这些天里,唯一没有写你的人是八卦天后。 这没什么。 真的吗?我是说,她可是纽约八卦博客里的老大。 或许在你高中的时候是这样,但现在,她似乎在淡出人们的视线。 注意你的话,她也许会听到。 这是我人生中最重要的一次试镜。我最不需要担心的就是一个在黑暗房间里与电脑为伴的博主。 你紧张吗? 相当紧张。冯提尔是天才,但是据说他对女演员要求很严格,在我看来,导演拥有太多权力了,即使他很严格,我也不会哭的。 你今天看起来很自信,没什么能让你流泪,即使真的应该哭一下。 谢谢你的裙子,瑟瑞娜。我很感激。 当然,好运。 谢谢。