B: Welcome, everybody. Tonight is about wit and wisdom and discussion. Our theme of the evening, as you know, is all things British. D: And our menu, prepared by chef April Bloomfield, takes its inspiration from that theme. So as each new dish is served, a new topic of discussion will be introduced. B: Food service will begin momentarily. But until then, Dan and I are so pleased to be hosting you.Cheerio. S: Here, here, sorry I’m late. B: Late? How can you be late to an event you didn't even know was happening. What are you doing here? S: In the madness of planning this soiree, you must have forgotten to invite me. But it’s okay. Don't stop on account of me. I'll just make myself at home. B: Um, the first course is a lovely combination of A: Look, it's Lola. I'm wearing the Lola. S: Wait, you invited her? L: Yes. B: No. Talk amongst yourselves. Dan and I will be back in aLondonminute. 欢迎各位,今晚是有关智慧,学识和讨论的夜晚。正如大家知道的,我们今晚的主题是英伦风。 菜单由大厨艾普利布鲁姆菲尔德准备。菜品的灵感都来自于我们今晚的主题。当每道菜品上桌时,我们都会有一个新的讨论主题。 食物供应一会就开始了,在这之前,请允许我和丹感谢各位赏光。欢迎。 终于到了。抱歉我迟到了。 迟到?在你不知道这里沙龙的情况下,何来迟到一说?你来这干嘛。 你肯定是忙着准备沙龙忘了邀请我了。但是没关系。不用麻烦招呼我,我会自己照顾好我自己的。 第一道菜是 看,是洛拉。我穿着洛拉款内衣呢。 你邀请她了? 是的。 没。大家随便聊,丹和我一会回来。