B: You were right. The problem wasn't your success. It was me. Somehow between being traded for a hotel and selling out for a tiara, I lost my true self. But I wanna be found. Could you possibly help? D: I have a feeling that the real Blair Waldorf is a lot closer than you think. Wasn’t all that long ago that she and I were working side-by-side at “W”, and I totally fell for her. B: And what was that girl like? D: That girl is, uh, fiercely strong, independent, outspoken, beautiful, capable of anything, and no man or magazine should be able to take that away from her. B: She sounds great. I look forward to meeting her again. 你是对的。问题不在你的成功而在我。莫名其妙地跑去开房而放弃了王室婚姻,我在这个过程中,失去了自我。但我想把她找回来,你能帮我吗? 我能感觉到真正的布莱尔霍道福没有你想象的那么远。不久之前,她还和我一起在《W》杂志的派对上并肩作战。那时我就爱她不能自拔。 那个女孩什么样? 那个女孩,很坚强,独立,外向,美丽,无所不能,没有哪个人或者杂志能抹去她的优点。 她听起来很好。我希望能再次见到她。‘