S: B. B: What are you doing here? S:Looking for Gossip Girl, it's a long story. But. Did you find Jack? B: Not yet. S: Okay, well, be careful because Diana's downstairs so if she sees you and Chuck. B: I'll deal with Diana, and good luck. You two go on without me. I'll make sure Diana doesn't find out you're here. A: Out, everyone out. S: What, wait. A: Someone tipped the crops off. They're on their way. S: No, no. A: Let's go, party's over. Police are on their way, time to go. C: Jack, J; Hello, Chuck. N: Hello,India. B: Diana,.are you.Oh my god, no, it can’t be. B 你在这里做什么? 找八卦天后,说来话长。但是,你们找到杰克了吗? 好的,小心点。戴安娜在楼下。如果她看到你和恰克。 我来对付戴安娜,祝你顺利。你俩继续,我会确保戴安娜不知道你在这里。 出去,所有人出去。 什么,等等。 有人报警,警察正在赶来。 不要,不要。 走吧,派对结束了。 警察来了,该走了。 杰克。 恰克,你好。 你好,尹迪亚。 戴安娜,你。不,上帝啊,这不可能。