C: Nate's not answering, probably already left with Lola. Have you seen Serena? B: No, I haven't. C: What's wrong? B: Nothing, I'm sorry. C: You look like you just found out Jack Bass is your father. B: Chuck, can we just go, please? C: After everything we've been through, there's no room for secrets, nor should there be. Whatever it is, you can tell me, Blair. It's just us here, you and me. B: I think, once everyone is gone, and it's quiet,you need to go back into that house. C: Have Arthur take you back to the city. 内特不接电话,可能已经跟洛拉走了,你看见瑟琳娜了吗? 没。我没看见。 怎么了? 没事,抱歉。 你看起来好像发现了杰克是你生父。 恰克,我们走吧,好吗? 在我们共同经历了这么多之后,我们之间没有秘密,也不应该有。不管是什么,布莱尔,告诉我。这里只有我们,你和我。 我想,一会所有人走了之后,平息了,你应该回房间里看看。 我让亚瑟送你回城。