Chuck, I can't really be seen with you right now. But how are you doing? Are you okay? Far from it. I have to find a way to stop my father from leaving tonight. Leaving? But you just found him. He left to keep me safe, now it's my turn to save him. Is there anywhere you have to be right now? But the best way to avoid giving an answer is to avoid the question altogether. 恰克,我现在不方便见你。不过你怎么样了,还好吗? 一点也不。我必须找到办法阻止我父亲在今晚离开。 离开?但是你刚刚找到他啊。 他离开是为了保护我,现在轮到我来保护他了。有什么你非去不可的地方吗? 避而不答的最佳方式就是什么都不要问。