I'll never love Chuck again after what he did tonight. He's a monster, he deserves to be alone forever. I was waiting for that one. You happy now, now that I'm as alone as you are. Well, I'm only alone because of you. You had your prince and you had Chuck. You don't need to take Dan, too. I didn't take Dan. That's not how relationships work. You would know that if you'd grown up at all since high school. Oh, come on, Blair, you're the one who can't move on. You're still in love with Chuck and you still won't admit it. Get out. I mean it, I want you gone for good. Pack your things. You can't hold me responsible for everything bad in your life. I can, because you are. The best time you I ever had was when you were gone six years ago. Leave your key with Dorota. 在今晚恰克的所作所为之后我再也不会爱他了,他是个魔鬼,他活该单身一辈子。我正在等这条呢。你现在高兴了,我现在也给你一样孤独了。 我孤单是因为你。你有了王子,有了恰克,你没必要收了丹。 我没有收他,恋爱不是这样子的,如果你在高中之后有所成长的话你就会知道。 算了吧,布莱尔,你才是那个沉浸在过去的人。你仍然爱着恰克却死不承认。 出去。我说真的。你走了最好。收拾你的行李。 你不能因为你的生活不顺就把所有责任推到我身上。 我可以,因为你就是。 我生命中最好的时光就是六年前你离开的那段日子。把钥匙留给多洛塔。