I can't believe how much more grown up you are at your age than I was. I suppose it's the divorce and all the other mistakes you've already made. Well, it won't get easier any time soon. I'm headed for a reckoning, Dan vs. Chuck. You always did love Jane Austen. As literature not my life. Dan is my best friend, when we're together, it's great. I feel strong and safe, except in his neighborhood. And with Chuck? I'm vulnerable. He's devastated me, but he's also made me happier than I've ever been. I just don't know which kind of love is better. 我真不敢相信,你看起来比我那时候成熟多了。我想是离婚的原因吧,还有其他你犯过的错误。 短时间内,情况并不会变好,我最终要做出选择,丹还是恰克。 你真是一直喜欢简奥斯汀。 真是她的文字,我的人生可不能上演她的情节。丹是我最好的朋友,我们在一起时感觉很好,我充满力量和安全感,除了他糟糕的居住环境。 和恰克呢? 我很脆弱。他让我心力交瘁,但是他给过我从未有过的快乐。我只是不知道哪一种爱更好。