I see nothing's changed around here since high school. Except you. You look so presentable. Yes. Once I got into Yale, I realized I didn't have to dress like you anymore. So let's see your line. It's not here. Shipping snafu en route from Paris. You're lying. If I were, it would only be to protect Waldorf Designs from your biased opinion of me, which is based on nothing but good, clean high school fun. I still have night terrors about nairtinis and yogurt bombs. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night shouting, "tights are not pants!" But I am not biased. I play fair. That's why I got into Yale, and you didn't. Oh. Did I mention I graduated early? Send another reporter. It's my story. And look on the bright side. No matter what I write, readers can see the pictures of your collection next to Poppy Lifton's and decide for themselves. 这里还像高中时一样,没怎么变。 除了你。 你的穿着真有品味。 是的,自从进了耶鲁,我意识到我不需要穿得像你这样。 来看看你的产品线吧。 衣服不在这。 从巴黎寄来的路上出了乱子。 你撒谎。 即便我在撒谎,那也只是来保护Waldorf时装不被你的偏见所害。你对我的偏见全都基于高中的美好时光。 我现在还对加了脱毛剂的马丁尼和酸奶炸弹心有余悸。 有时我半夜醒来还会尖叫“紧身裤不是内裤”。但是我并没怀揣偏见,我很公正。 所以我进了耶鲁,你没有。 哦,对了,我提了我提前毕业的事么? 派个别的记者来。 这是我的专栏。而且往好处想,不管我写什么,读者都会看到你的时装和Poppy Lifton的在一起然后自行判断。