What do you want? I'm not even going to pretend to be calling you as a friend right now because you have made it quite clear that you are not mine, but I do have a mutually beneficial business opportunity. I highly doubt that. I need a power it girl to walk in my show. You made a splash at the Central Park Conservancy Gala. I'm guessing that you need something equally as exciting to follow it up. Oh, well, your concern for my social standing really tugs at my heartstrings, but a fashion show is hardly a life crisis. It is to me. My back is up against the wall, and not in a hot Chuck Bass kind of way. You and I have known each other long enough that we are like family, which means that we have earned the right to hate each other from time to time, but that doesn't mean that there's not still love underneath. Come on, Serena. Please. How many times have I saved you? It's your turn to save me back. I'm saving someone else now Steven's daughter Sage. My only focus is her and keeping her on track. They're my new family. Maybe you should find a new one, too. 你找我什么事? 既然你明说了我不是你的朋友,我也不会虚情假意地以这身份给你打电话。但我要跟你提供一个共赢的商业良机。 我才不信呢。 我需要一位有影响力的社交名媛为我走秀。你曾在中央公园管理委员会晚会上引起轰动。我想你应该愿意再续辉煌来把成功贯彻到底。 你对我社会地位的担忧实在是动人心弦。但是一个时装秀根本不算什么大危机。 对我来说就是。 我已经被逼上绝路了,而且不是关于性感Chuck Bass的感情问题。我们认识这么久,已经像家人了。也就是说,时不时的,我们有权憎恨对方,但这不等于背后没有友爱的存在。 拜托了,Serena。 求你了,我曾经救过你多少次,现在轮到你来拯救我了。 我正在拯救别人,Steven的女儿Sage。我唯一担心的就是她,还有看好她。他们是我新的家人。我看你也应该找个新的家人,