How could you do this to me? Just because I didn't give your geriatric boyfriend a seat doesn't mean that you had to tell Sage to sabotage my show! Save it, Blair. You were so upset that I care more about Steven than your show that you had to destroy my relationship. I didn't tell her to take off the dress. You did. No, I didn't. I would much rather avoid the child pornography charges. Well, if I didn't tell her to take off the dress, and you didn't tell her to take off the dress, then who did? I happened to like the underwear more. Sage, you get in this car right now. We are going home. I'll see you later. Looks like these besties were bested by a newbie. When Sage's dress came off, they both came undone. 你怎么能这样对我? 就算我没给你的老男友留位置,你也不能让Sage来破坏我的秀吧! 省省吧,Blair。你很难过我关心Steven甚于你的时装秀,所以你要来破坏我们的关系。 不是我让你脱掉裙子的,是你。 不,不是我。 我才不愿意惹上儿童色情的指控。 好吧,如果不是我让她脱的裙子,也不是你,那会是谁? 巧了, 是我自己更喜欢内衣。 Sage,快跟我上车,我们要回家了。 稍后见。 看来这对风云姐妹这样一次被新手给打败了。