Save the Dom, Chuck. I would rather die. I am the laughingstock of the fashion press. The clothes were beautiful, and you are beautiful, and that is something we need to celebrate. You say celebrate. I say drown my sorrows. Give me the bottle. Tolstoy wrote that all happy families are alike, but every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way, especially on the upper east side. You know, Sage can be a handful, but you handled tonight with true grace. I'm impressed. 省下你的酒吧,Chuck,我更愿意去死。 我是时尚界媒体的笑柄。 服装很漂亮,你也很漂亮。只为这些我们都该庆祝一下。 你说庆祝,我说淹没我的忧伤好了。 给我酒瓶。 托尔斯泰写过,幸福的家庭都是相似的,不幸的家庭各有各的不幸,特别是在上东区。 你知道,Sage是很棘手,但你今晚处理得很得体。 让我印象深刻。