Did somebody order a Thanksgiving spread? You just cost my dim-witted doorman his holiday bonus. Ohh. Don't blame him. I said you called for a stripper, and obviously I'm a convincing one. I've come to kidnap you and bring you to Serena and Dan's Thanksgiving. I'm not going anywhere, but you are, unless you want me to call security. Don't be a grumpy gus. Bart and Lily won't be there. Come on. Let's get you cleaned up. What part of our last conversation did you not understand? As long as I can't defeat my father, we can never be together. Just because we can't live happily ever after doesn't mean that we can't have a little fun once in a while. We made a pact. Need I remind you what that means? But it's been too long since Monaco. Pocahontas needs her John Smith. I always thought of myself as more of a John Rolfe kind of man. That's my Chuck. You can play both after dinner. And you're sure Lily and Bart are gone? They are, and now so is my appetite. When was the last time you showered? Only if you join me. 是不是有人订了感恩节盛宴呢? 因为你,我的笨蛋门卫的节日奖金没了。 不是他的错,我说你叫了脱衣舞女。很明显,我做得很到位。 我是来绑架你,去Serena和Dan那里过感恩节的。 我哪儿都不去,不过你得走了。否则我叫保安了。 别这么暴躁嘛。Bart和Lily不会到场的。 来吧,我们去梳洗打扮一下。 我们上次都谈过了,你还有哪里不明白吗? 只要我战胜不了我父亲,我们就不能在一起。 我们无法永远幸福快乐地在一起,并不是说我们就不能偶尔玩一玩高兴一下。 我们说好了的。需要我告诉你那意味着什么吗? 但“摩纳哥王妃”一事已经过去很久了。 Pocahontas也需要John Smith啊。(风中奇缘男女主) 我一直觉得我比较像John Rolfe。 这才是我的Chuck,你可以一人分饰两角,不过要在晚饭后。 你确定Lily和Bart都不在? 是的,而且,我的胃口也没有了。 你上次洗澡是什么时候? 你跟我一起才洗。