To quote Siddhartha, we are not going in circles. We are going upward. The path is a spiral. We have already climbed many ste-- Cyrus, I think that is enough. Perhaps we could skip to the "I do" part. Where's the rings? Do you, Chuck, take Blair to be your lawfully wedded wife? Three words. Eight letters. Blair, do you take Chuck to be your lawfully wedded husband? One word. Three letters. Yes! Then by the power invested in me by the great state of New York, I now pronounce you man and wife! You may kiss the bride! Chuck Bass! Chuck Bass? You need to come with us. You, too, Ms.Waldorf. I'm with you. Me, too. And me. Right on cue, Gossip Girl. It's not Gossip Girl. It's "The Spectator". 如悉达多(释迦摩尼本名)所言,我们的认识并非是原地打转,而是不断向上。前路是曲折向上。我们越过... Cyrus,可以了。 不如我们直接跳到宣誓的部分。 戒指在哪里? Chuck,你愿意娶Blair,让她成为你的妻子吗? 三个词,八个字母。 Blair,你愿意嫁给Chuck,让他成为你的丈夫吗? 一个词,三个字母。好! 以伟大的纽约州赋予我的权利,我宣布你们正式成为夫妻。 你可以亲吻新娘了。 Chuck Bass!Chuck Bass?你得跟我们走一趟。 你也是,Waldorf小姐。 我跟着你去。 时间抓得真好啊。八卦天后。 不是八卦天后,是《观察家》。