Now usually the opening of a big new film is something that to celebrate. "My Name is Khan" is one of the big Bollywood releases of the year. But in Mumbai, in India, some cinemas are refusing to show it from fear of stirring up trouble. The film features Shah Rukh Khan. He's a huge Bollywood star a… 非官方翻译仅供参考: 通常来说,现如今一部新的电影巨作的上映是值得庆祝的。其中《我的名字叫可汗》这部影片就是今年宝莱坞制作的上映大片之一。然而在印度孟买,一些电影院拒绝上映此片,以免惹出事端。该影片的主演沙鲁克•汗,本身就是宝莱坞的大腕,但他也在印度板球界举足轻重。当沙鲁克•汗建议印度板球超级联赛应该…