[00:01.06]Like most good innovations, [00:02.96]the one I will present to you today is beautifully simple. [00:06.59]Successful new products to my mind fall into two categories. [00:10.90]Firstly, those which are essentially luxuries. [00:15.04]However seductively they're presented and packaged, they are unnecessary. [00:20.69]And then there are those which are necessary, [00:23.63]only people haven't realised it before because the product didn't exist. [00:28.01] Which would you rather be selling? [00:29.84] I know I'd rather be selling a neat solution to an unsolved problem. [00:35.61]OK, so, how many of you only remember to [00:39.74]water your house plants when you see them wilting or dying? [00:42.99] How many of you then spend the next month over-watering the plant until its roots start to rot [00:48.68]and its leaves start to blacken? [00:51.15] Come on, we've all done it. [00:53.64]Plant-carer is the answer to these problems. [00:57.65] It's the brainchild of one of our R&D team, [01:00.72]who made an early prototype of the product for his own use at home.